EHTDimensionalData.jl is an extension of DimensionalData.jl which provides an intuitive, self-descriptive ND-labeld data structures for Julia. This package works as a higher layer of DimensionalData.jl by reexporting its ecosystem through Reexport.jl with a set of custom functions for DimStack and DimArray data types including potential overwrites of some methods.
Assuming that you already have Julia correctly installed, it suffices to import EHTUtils.jl in the standard way:
using Pkg
As EHTDimensionalData.jl will reexport all features in DimesinalData.jl along with custom methods, you will need to import only EHTDimensionalData.jl.
using EHTDimensionalData
If you need to import both DimensionalData.jl and EHTDimensionalData.jl for some reasons, please import
or using only specific functions to avoid conflicts.
The development of this package has been finantially supported by the following programs.
- AST-2107681, National Science Foundation, USA: v0.1.1 - present
- AST-2034306, National Science Foundation, USA: v0.1.1 - present
- OMA-2029670, National Science Foundation, USA: v0.1.1 - present
- AST-1935980, National Science Foundation, USA: v0.1.1 - present
- ALMA North American Development Study Cycle 8, National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), USA: v0.1.0
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.